Bloodsuckers from Outer Space
Bloodsuckers from Outer Space
| 03 January 1984 (USA)
Bloodsuckers from Outer Space Trailers

A mysterious and invisible alien presence has landed in rural Texas and has started turning the nearby townspeople into white-faced, bloodthirsty killers. As the local authorities begin to investigate the strange and violent goings on, a photographer and his girlfriend find themselves trapped in the midst of an unexpected rural bloodbath, which seeks to turn them into another pair of bloodsuckers from outer space...


Blood Suckers from Outer Space (1984) * (out of 4)A failed photographer and a hot lady somehow (and unbelievably) run into one another while in Texas and before long they are heading out to see his relatives. It turns out that they have already turned into "blood suckers from outer space" as well as other farmers. The two must try and battle the creatures without turning into them as well.Look, comedy is a very subjective thing. There's no question about that and I'm sure there are many people out there who fell for the charm of this movie and really love it. Yes, it's poorly acted, has awful sets and at times is poorly made but I'm pretty sure all of this was on purpose. I'm sure many will love the low-budget look and style of the picture but sadly it just didn't work for me.What can I say? The comedy and the attempt at spoofing these type of low-budget horror movies just didn't work for it. I understood what the film was going for and I give the filmmakers credit for it but the only thing is that the film never really grabbed me to the point where I fell for its humor and enjoyed what I was watching. It's really as simple as that.Usually when I give a film such a low rating it means that I hated the picture for one reason or another but that's certainly not the case here. It's just better to say that I didn't connect with the film but I'm sure others will. I will say that I loved the look of the creatures and the no-budget gore effects were nice.

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A mysterious alien virus which manifests itself as a deadly gust of wind transforms the local yokels in a sleepy small Texas town into pasty-faced bloodthirsty zombies. Laid-back photographer Jeff Rhodes (a solid and engaging performance by Thom Meyers) and his sweet newfound girlfriend Julie (the adorable Laura Ellis) do their best to stay alive and survive this harrowing ordeal. Writer/director Glen Coburn delivers a delightfully dry'n'deadpan tongue-in-cheek send-up of schlocky low-budget fright flicks that comes through with plenty of priceless gut-busting dialogue (all-time favorite line: "You cut my *beep*ing arm off!"), broadly drawn redneck caricatures, and spot-on sidesplitting jokes about such worthy subjects as huffing nitrous oxide, kinky sex, racism, and gung-ho military fanaticism. Moreover, the make-up for the zombies is hilariously horrible and there's a few cool moments of gory over-the-top splatter which include a juicy decapitation, dismemberment, and several lovely shots of folks vomiting up uproariously unconvincing watery blood. The enthusiastic acting from a likable cast of mostly no-name amateurs further enhances the picture's considerable screwball appeal: Meyers and Ellis make for charming leads, Dennis Letts has a field day as brash ramrod General Sanders, token name Pat Paulsen contributes an amusing cameo as a preoccupied lecher President of the United States, plus there are neat turns by Robert Bradeen as the mean Uncle Joe, Kris Nicolau as nerdy Brit-accented doctor Jeri Jett, Chris Heldman as the amiable Deputy Sam, Big John Brigham as paranoid janitor Norman, Jim Stafford as the oafish Buford, and Billie Keller as the dotty Aunt Kate. The bleak and desolate Lone Star State locations add some tasty regional flavor to the infectiously wacky proceedings. The incredibly catchy'n'groovy 80's New Wave rock theme song seriously smokes. Chad D. Smith's purposefully static cinematography might be rough around the edges, but it does the trick all the same. A total riot.

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I rented this movie on VHS back in the winter of 2002. Judging by its cover I didn't really expect much from it. However, being a fan of obscure horror movies I felt that I just had to rent it. After watching it the first time through I got hooked. The extremely low budget feel of Bloodsuckers combined with the terrible acting and equally bad (but funny) dialogue made this one of my favorite movies of all time. The movie is cheesy but not lame. Even the parts that aren't meant to be humorous will make you laugh. I used to watch it all the time and quote lines from the different characters.I'm still waiting for this movie to be released on DVD.

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This movie is the perfect B movie for all you B horror Fans our there. For those who don't know what i'm talking about a B movie is a low budget usually poorly acted Horror, which usually ends up being funny. It's called B because they're grade B movies.I watched this movie two weeks ago with my freind and we were laughing our heads off!, I really encourage fans of B movies to check this out!!I give it 7/10 (this doesn't mean it was a great movie it just was so damn crappy it was good!)

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