Black Dawn
Black Dawn
| 28 February 1997 (USA)
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Jake Killian, ex-cop, searches for a mysteriously abducted US-banker, with the help of the single living witness, a stripper called Extasy.

Comeuppance Reviews

Jake Kilkanin (Lorenzo) is a cool dude and ex-cop who just wants to laze around in his San Diego apartment and eat Nutter Butter bars and drink Jim Daniels brand whisky. But trouble comes a-callin' when some of his former employers want him to investigate "one last case". It seems an evil Mexican drug lord named Chapparo (Rodriguez) is involved in not just drugs, but illegal border crossings, kidnap and murder. When an annoying harpy named Constance Mainwaring (Lazo) - who used to be a stripper named "Ecstasy" - insists on getting Jake to help her retrieve her missing millionaire husband from the clutches of Chapparo and his thugs, Jake must come out of retirement and make a run for the border. Will Jake triumph? Find out today (?) Released towards the end of Lamas' 90's heyday, with Good Cop Bad Cop, also known as Black Dawn (not to be confused with the Seagal outing of that name), you can start to see the wheels starting to come off the seemingly-unstoppable Lamas train that ran through video stores in the 90's. Don't get us wrong, Lamas himself is as good as ever - as the slick and cool, yet literate Kilkanin, he puts in a typically likable performance, but the movie as a whole is talky, slow, and seems to be missing something. We've all seen a lot like it before, and the structure of the film is very old fashioned. Whether it's an intentional throwback to the 40's/50's style of mystery-adventures is unclear. But it's not gritty or tough when it needs to be, and it doesn't hit the viewer hard. It just kind of bounces off your eyeballs, leaving no real impression.While the movie is well-shot and competently made on a technical level, there is a dearth of action, which is certainly what customers going into a Lorenzo Lamas movie called "Good Cop Bad Cop" are expecting to see. Lamas does no Martial Arts in the movie. But he is seen shirtless...again, so his unbroken record of shirtlessness remains intact. For the final third of the movie, when it becomes a desert slog, that seals the movie's fate as video store shelf-filler. Not offensively bad or poorly made shelf-filler, but shelf-filler nonetheless. Its more lackluster qualities pretty much turn the movie into a less-wacky Bail Out (1989). But then what would you expect from director De Bello, who has dedicated the majority of his career to making Killer Tomatoes movies? The least he could do is explain exactly who the "Bad Cop" is in this scenario, and what with all the talking being yammered about, you'd think that would have come up at some point.But in the 90's nostalgia department, the main baddie wears a VR-esque mask, proving the ubiquity of VR in the 90's - even in a non-VR-based movie, that style of helmet still makes an appearance. The fact that it looks silly and not at all threatening didn't seem to factor in when the decision was made to put what looks like an over-sized watermelon painted black on the main villain's head. And because Chapparo and his goons leave Olmec medallions on the dead bodies of their victims, the parallels to Legends of the Hidden Temple are rife. The only remaining question is: when is Kirk Fogg going to make an action movie? Lamas fans may find some enjoyment here, but on the whole this is one of the weaker movies he's appeared in.For more action insanity, drop by:

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OK, ANYone going into this film expecting anywhere close to high art is a certified brain dead moron. I mean the director/writer was responsible for all 4 Killer Tomato films for god's sake. Nope, you're not here for Oscar caliber cinema (whatever THAT means), you're here to watch Lorenzo 'Renegade' Lamas kick copious amounts of ass. Lamas is Jake Kilkanin, a presumingly borderline mentally retarded ex-cop, who teams up with a stripper (Catherine Lazo, whom i look forward to seeing absolutely none of in the future) trying to find her abducted banker husband. This film is kinda sorta fun in that it's so atrociously bad, but it doesn't make the film that watchable even in the 'so bad' kinda way. It's OK for a few chuckles i guessEye Candy: Christine Kludjian gets topless (sadly Shauna Sand remains clothed) My Grade: D

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As a fan of bad movies, I must say that this cheesy action movie wasn't that great. I think this movie's greatest downfall is that it tries to take itself seriously, which can make a pleasantly bad movie unwatchable (i.e. Omega Doom). I tend to notice horrible budget cuts, like firing a gun once, playing a stock "machine gun" sound bite, and using shaky camera work to try to cover up the fact that the gun only fires once. Also, why don't any of the guns in this movie have any recoil? Are they magic? Also, it quite bothered me how characters in the movie kept referring to a "sawed off" shotgun, although the shotgun in question was a standard 20" length. The ex stripper chick wasn't that attractive, and the main cop appeared to have the IQ of a piece of string. There was a tiny bit of nudity to redeem the movie, but I recommend picking up a better cheesy action movie, like Karate Kid or Con Air.

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This movie was released in the US under the title Good Cop, Bad Cop. It should have been called Good Movie, Bad Movie.When it is good it is unbeatable when it is bad it is horrid. You start off with action scenes that you have no explanation of and characters that you don't recognize even after they explain who they are (until you've watched the movie at least three times). Then you stop the action completely to take the time to explain everything you didn't get before as well as the motivation for the main characters. I don't know who bought this script or WHY? Lamas shows off his comic flare-great timing and a natural acting style that makes you believe he IS every character he plays. Catherine Lazo is great! Tony Colitti is so real he literally leaps off the screen.Patrick StEsprit makes me believe that he is really hurt by Jakes(Lamas) defection and Jerry Hardin is the sidekick that really comes to life. I haven't been this taken with a character since the old cowboy movies,He reminded me of the guy who drove the jeep in the old Roy Rogers movies!

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