Bitter Lake
Bitter Lake
| 20 August 2011 (USA)
Bitter Lake Trailers

After more than a decade of peace the proud and noble kingdom of Valanor is suddenly torn apart by a terrible civil war. After 12 years, when the dust settles and resources start to dwindle, the starving people of Valanor cry out for peace, forcing the leaders of Tier, Sinnah, Daneth and Osgard to lay down their arms and meet each other at the negotiation table. As each province prepares an envoy to find a diplomatic solution at the Kingdom's only neutral ground, an ancient and dark organization plots its return. Unbeknownst to the leaders of the four warring provinces this old enemy will stop at nothing to crush any hope of lasting peace. Can the four envoys put their old hatreds aside and forge a bond of trust? Or will those that crave the blood and terror of war get their way? Whatever the outcome, the fate of Valanor will be decided... at Bitter Lake.


Ok, first of all, since is an amateur approach, a low budget movie and all around it I can say that it has it good points, the plot could use more deep installments and the acting may not be the best but the fursuits were very well done and the music was amazing.The fact they choose a place neutral and without people was key since its not ease find fursuiters or employ too many, the camera work also has its flaws but its forgivable, I am more concerned at the majority of the indoors scenarios were they look just like a modern house rather than an old place.

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Richard Walker

I can't believe that they reportedly made people buy tickets to see this at EF, never mind putting out a DVD that cost $20 to buy. Though when it was premiered, it was utterly loved and I seriously can't see why... Oh wait yes I can, it's because furs are blinded by the fact that it's a Furry made film with fursuits in and naturally bum off of it because it's certainly not the filmography that they cared about. I wonder if it WASN'T a fur-based film, it would get as much love... I very much doubt it.So much more could've been done in this film, such as making an interesting storyline. If they wanted a hard hitting short film (40 minute is NOT feature length), why not a dark drama about an inmate who's only connection to the outside world is through letters to and from his best friend, or two friends playing video games getting so high on a new legal high they hallucinate and end up being in the games they play. I just think it was a good opportunity a bit wasted.The ending sword fight was probably the funniest one I've seen in a very long time. The bit what got me was the Fox disappearing right in front of his opponent, it like he clipped through the world to cheat, and the resulting death scene actually had me cry with laughter.With the budget this film apparently got, a lot more could've been done. If I got the budget to make a short film I'm sure I'd have change spare to buy the cast and crew dinner.Hey at least the fursuits looked good though, eh?! (Except the black wolf thing, he looked like he got spunked on by everyone) Thing is, the film is good for a laugh but as a serious production it falls very short. Better luck next time, guys!

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This movie was hyped up big time in the fandom. On its premiere it received almost universal praise. Was it because of the acting? The plot? The cinematography? No of course not, the only reason this slop gets any credit is because it is the first "feature length" movie made by furries for furries. Oh God why. I do have to give the crew behind this credit for going to the lengths they went to to make this. They obviously put a lot of effort into it, and it's not as bad as Anus Magilicutty or anything like that... but it's still terrible. The first problem is the story. Short of it is it's boring. Even for a measly 40 minutes. The intro teases you with the idea of a civil war before giving you a big middle finger in the form of peace talks (which are fine in a well-written politically/philosophically driven film- which this is not). In fact, the entire plot boils down to "hurr durr I was only pretending to be retarded". There is also no explanation as to what and why the characters are foxes/wolves/magic dragon things. Furries need to learn that if they want to make a serious work of fiction, they have to explain WHY there's a talking dragon woman. If the characters were human it would make no difference to the story. None of the animals traits show through (not even a howl or anything!), no symbolism, nothing! They are just animals for some reason. If anyone who wasn't a furry was watching this (pity them) then they wouldn't be able to get past this! I'm a furry and I can't! Pathetic!There are almost no sound effects, no weight to actor's movements and poor lighting. I could see lighting stands in several night scenes, and a certain air conditioner is painfully obvious in several scenes. The aforementioned night scenes look... bizarre to say the least. The lighting seems to be from poorly placed halogen work lamps. There are several stab scenes, and the attacker does not really stab but instead gently tickles the backs of the other actors. The climatic sword fight was so stupid I laughed my ass off. Everyone dies and the story cliffhangs, which feels like a threat (I don't want to review a Bitter Lake 2: Electric Boogaloo).The actors try to add emotion to rather static (but well constructed, this is Qarrezel) fursuits that only have jaw movement by flailing their limbs around dramatically. The voice acting is HORRENDOUS (especially the black wolf thing, it sounded plain stupid and kept making dumb lines like "HELL'S B­I­TCHES"). No character development either. Just zero value across the board. The music score is acceptable, Fox Amoore is a talented pianist but his scores are somewhat cliché and unoriginal.I could go on listing all the flaws this movie has for a lot longer, but it's not necessary. Bottom line: watch this movie, it's good for cheap laughs now that it's on Youtube for free. It was never, ever worth paying $20 for. I have picked up better movies for $2 at the dollar shop. And remember, just because it's made by furries, and you're a furry, does not make it good.

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Here it is, the very first full-length furry movie ever produced. Although it is kinda short for 45 minutes, I really enjoyed every second of it. It may look amateuristic but I can tell you, it is certainly not. Even the soundtrack is well done.Few things nag me though: in the entire movie only the main characters are visible, but where were the extras, like the people in the villages. It now looked like the main chars were walking thru abandoned villages. Where were the rest? (I think due to the raging war all other peoples had fled to the mountains.) But overall: this movie is very watchable, certainly for furs and non-furs alike.EZ... TOP NOTCH WORK!

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