Bells from the Deep
Bells from the Deep
| 07 September 1993 (USA)
Bells from the Deep Trailers

A group of pilgrims lie down on the thin ice of the lake Svetloyar and begin to look for the city of Kitesh. According to the legend, God saved the city from the Mongolian prince Batyi's soldiers by letting it sink to the bottom of the lake. If you listen carefully you can hear the bells of the Kitesh cathedral toll deep down.


I had once borrowed Herzogs „Rad der Zeit" („Wheel of Time"), which contained „Bells in the Deep" as a bonus. With the main film I was a little disappointed, mainly because I wasn't very interested in the subject. But, upon realizing that the video-store was already closed, I pushed the DVD back into the player and figured that I might well watch the bonus as well. Now I'm very glad that I did.I never cared much for religions but rather was interested in the mythology behind the various forms of belief. Don't expect any deep insight from this documentary. There are no revelations or "ultimate truth" albeit the conclusions that the viewers draw themselves. Herzog was never a director who wanted to push a point on the audience but rather films what is and what he sees and leaves the rest to the viewers own devices.Primarily Herzog gives us some astonishing, beautiful images and scenes: people crawling across a frozen lake in order to catch a glimpse of a supposedly lost city (which may or may not have been staged by Herzog, but so what?), a pair of Mongolian musicians and a particularly "harsh" baptism in the orthodox tradition (which, as I fondly remember, made my wife wince). But my personal favorite scene is a bell-player of a local church, a seemingly fragile person, who talks about having been adopted and the pain of not knowing your own origins. Once he starts to manipulate his bells with a series of strings and levers, one can only stare and listen in awe.So why did Herzog film all this and what did he want to achieve? Personally, I believe it has to do with Herzogs own background, him being Bavarian, where the people are as arch-catholic as they get, yet where traditions are still deeply rooted in the older pagan-believes and mysticisms (as anybody, who has ever watched a "Perchtnacht", a night where villagers dress up in demonic masks, can attest). If you have visited rural Bavaria, you may also have noticed how the place is virtually littered with carved, wooden figures of Jesus, each seemingly trying to outdo the next in terms of the figure looking bloodied and battered. I've overheard tourists you considered it slightly "obscene" to have so many corpses all over the place, but perhaps it has something to do with the old Germanic god Wotan, who crucified himself on an oak in order to receive wisdom.Having watched the documentary again with an American friend, I also found it rather amusing that he considered those Russian believes and superstitions rather outlandish, even calling "Bells in the Deep" a "freak-show". It never occurred to him to look at the many strange paths that various sects and cults in the USA had taken, be it Mormons, Baptists, reborn Christians, Creationists, etc., and traditions like handling snakes and speaking in tongues. None of this would look less outlandish than the Russian practices to an outsider.If there is any message behind "Bells in the Deep" it is that religion doesn't shape traditions and cultures as much as traditions and cultures shape religions. If you feel the need to take a message from this documentary, that is. If not, you might as well just lean back and enjoy the marvelous images.7/10

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Sorry but as a Russian I can't perceive this seriously. With all my respect to Herzog it's NOT a true depiction of Russian faith and superstitions but rather a Borat-like comedy disguised as a highly objective and free from personal opinions documentary report.If this movie has made you think that people like notorious exorcist Wisard Vasilyev, self-declared messiah Vissarion etc. are of any importance for the general Russian public then, well, you ought to consider imaginary movie called e.g. "Faith and superstitions in US" shot with a camera which thoughtfully dwells on ceremonies by Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Charles Manson.Extremely tendentious and pretentious "Bells from Deep" can't be recommended to anybody except Russians: in their eyes it definitely deserves 10/10 for campiness (and BTW poses a question about relevance of other Herzog's ethnographic movies).

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Portrait of superstition and faith in Russia. Completely neutral Werner Herzog film simply shows the people as they are and lets them speak for themselves. One is a "reincarnation" of Christ speaking of love and brotherly love. Another is a man who plays the bells at a church. We see a faith healer and mystic blessing a couple. We also spend time at a village near a Russian lake. Here is its said that God saved a village from the Mongol Hordes by placing it at the bottom of a lake, where if the conditions are right you can see it through the ice when the lake freezes in the winter. Nonjudgmental to the point that anything approaching a voice over is simply the translation of the words of those we see on screen. Even the "silliness" of the people who live near the lake with their crawling around it from holy site to holy site ceases to be funny when you realize that these people actually believe in what they are telling you. It's a haunting film that makes you wonder about how and what some people believe. Highly recommended.

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Bells from the Deep (1995) *** (out of 4) Documentary that takes a look at religious beliefs and superstitions in Siberia and Russia. When you do a documentary on religion often times you find a director who wants to throw out their opinions or thoughts on the religion in question but thankfully Herzog doesn't do that here. I'm sure some might find what we see here to be old fashioned or rather strange but Herzog treats the people and their religion with respect and just observes them without throwing in his personal thoughts. The camera beautifully moves from one subject to the next, quietly listening in to what's going on. There are many strange sequences and segments including an exorcism but Herzog just stays quiet on the matter. Herzog does the narration with that great voice of his and really tries to capture the soul and feeling of those people he's interviewing. As with many Herzog documentaries, this one here doesn't contain too much interview footage or narration but instead Herzog just shines the camera on these people and lets the viewer take away their own feelings.

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