Bell Witch Haunting
Bell Witch Haunting
| 21 October 2004 (USA)
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The Bell Witch Haunting" is a powerful supernatural historic thriller based on terrifying actual events that took place in Robertson County, Tennessee from 1817 to 1821, in which a spirit tormented John Bell and his family, leaving him in a terrifying fight against the vengeful ghost to save his children and his own life. The haunting is the only known case where a spirit actually took credit for killing someone. After visiting the Bells home, Andrew Jackson said, "I vow I would rather fight the entire British Army single handed then face this witch again." Written by Ric White


In addition to the fact that this is just an abysmally made film (imagine giving a camcorder to the average high school drama club) the people who think that there is anything "real" about this legend need to grow up. This is the 21st century. Guess what: ghosts don't exist. Most people learn that from their mother when they're about 5 years old. You guys seriously need to grow up.The fact that a fraud was perpetrated nearly 2 centuries ago does not make it any less a fraud. The fact that a large number of inbred hillbillies from Tennessee believe it doesn't do it either. Go to college. Or at least finish high school.

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I had read several articles and a book about the Bell Witch and was skeptical about the movie as these movies dramatizations are always so fictional and made completely "out there". What a pleasant surprise to find a film that was not only free of exaggeration but told such an accurate recounting that you felt you were there. The cast made the family real and the voice-over filled the gaps so that if the viewer to this film were new to the tale he wouldn't be lost. As an aside, I would also comment that the extra features were spectacular and genuinely added to the experience. Thanks to the cast and filmmakers for telling this story!

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I saw this movie with my girlfriend. It was a total disaster. You can really see it was cheaply made. Badly scripted and with very bad acting. I have read several versions of the book by different authors and also listened to one version on audio book. We couldn't take the movie seriously because of the lacking elements it should have contained. The experience of watching this was like The Blair Witch visits Green Acres. Then there were parts that were vulgar. They show this little boy using a bed pan and they actually show the contents of it. The witch throws the contents of it on the boy and the whole family laughs. I thought it was nasty and very strange. I really can't understand why someone would think that would be entertaining. It shows another scene where Dr. Mize arrives and Betsy Bell is urinating in her dress on the steps of their house in front of her mother and brothers. Instead of the mother leading her off it is the brother. How sick? The little boy in the first scene of the many scenes dealing with how your body disposes of wastes begs for toilet paper and goes to the out house and makes these sickening faces of joy with sound effects. I think they should have left all of that out. The makeup on the Reverend James Johnston as a older man didn't really make you assume he was older. It made you think he was dipped in fish batter. The blood on Joshua Gardner when he falls from the ladder is even worse. The John Bell death scene looks like they got out flour and tried to do something with it to make him look as a serious sick man. To me to much sickening comedy with bathroom problems and inexperienced people involved was the downfall of this picture. These people would do better if they film commercials for local TV Stations for bathroom products. They chose a good subject and were unable to produce it in a correct manner. I rate this film Capital F minus.

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I bought a copy of this movie. The cover art looked impressive. When we sat down and watched it I was very disappointed. I have done a lot of research on this story. I have been to the places of where the actual events took place. Adams, Tennessee is not very far from where I live. The character Joshua Gardner in the movie is said to have moved west. He did about 12 miles from my home is where he settled and is buried there also. I know the people who bought and reassembled his cabin and they also said they experienced unusual happenings with it. The movie has to much of an hillbilly atmosphere. The real people being portrayed in this movie were far from being hillbilly's. They were a very well respected and prominent family of what I have learned. I feel that the seriousness of this story was not expressed well enough in it. The actual story was very frightening so frightening some of the older generations of the Bell family tried to keep it from the younger generation. I also noticed scenes that didn't match. Like the length of a candle a person is holding in a scene. One scene it is almost burnt out and the next it is longer. There is one more when someone is wearing a hat and then they are not. When John Bell Sr. is in his death bed one angle he is white faced and one angle he is not. There is to much silly comedy. When I say that I mean it is kind of corny. There is a lot of bad acting. I feel it is lacking in ability to tell the real horrifying story. In the real story Andrew Jackson and his army went to witness the Bell Witch and it scared some of his troops off and he made the statement. "I'd rather face the whole British Army, than face the Bell Witch again." You will find that the comedy kind of puts a damper on the threat of the witch in a way. There is some factual events told. I suggest that a person read the book. It will be more effective.

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