Bad Ben
Bad Ben
| 05 October 2016 (USA)
Bad Ben Trailers

Tom Riley thought he was getting the deal of a lifetime when he bought a house below market value at a Sheriff's sale. He invested every penny he had with the plan of flipping the home for a profit. Once he owned it, however, he noticed strange happenings, all of which were captured on 21 Surveillance Cameras located throughout the home inside and out. At first, he thought people were breaking in, but he soon realized he was dealing with something Paranormal.


It's OK, far from great, but far from terrible. I've definitely seen worse... You know... Like the other two...

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Paul Evans

Nigel Bach has done the impossible, to produce and star solo in the done to death found footage/haunted house genre and make itit rath enjoyable. As a genre, it won't do what it really should have done a few years ago and vanish, but, Bad Ben perhaps shows that there is still a little steam left in it. Bad Ben looks like it was made on a shoe string, and that is perhaps it's charm, Bach is incredibly likeable in the solo role, and has enough charisma to make the film rather enjoyable. Not bad at all. 6/10

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Couldn't find any reviews online for this from critics I trusted so thought i'd just give it a go. The story is simple but then it didn't have to be amazing, the acting from Nigel Bach is pretty decent all things considered and he manages to carry the movie along and keep you interested. Also there is some good camera work and a couple of good scares, and an ending which is definitely worth the wait. What lets this movie down though is just how illogical it is at times; mainly down to the fact that Nigel Bach's reactions to his situation in the film are so alien. He only shows even a glimpse of fear at the very end, before this you'd think that the stuff happening to him just happens all the time to everyone. Its not a bad acting performance just a very strange one. I would go on a rant about how the fact that he films more or less everything with his phone is never justified, but this is so often a problem in found footage movies that its not worth going on about; that said it is more illogical in this movie than most as demonstrated in a number of scenes where he is struggling to perform simple day to day tasks cause he's holding the camera phone in his other hand. Additionally there are a few moments which are unintentionally funny, like when he is wandering around the house looking for the source to the strange happenings with a camera phone in one hand and a can of air freshener in the other ready to spray any ghosts who get in his way. Or a scene where he is trying to banish a ghost from his house, shouting angrily at it, while holding a candle stick in one hand and a selfie stick in the other. Overall though this is a pretty decent horror movie and an impressive achievement considering it is made by and starring only one person. And the ending is genuinely creepy...

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Anissa Taylor

I hate found footage films as a rule of thumb, and if I review them it's either because they really suck or because I actually didn't mind them. This film falls into the latter category. I went into this film not knowing it was a solo film and a first venture, it was available on Prime and I was bored. I only found out the rest after, which made me extra impressed!This film is simple, the effects are (generally, there is one that stands out rather negatively, you'll know it when you see it) are subtle and pretty well done. The reason for all of the cameras is pretty solid, and it's not one of those over the top "And then I was PINNED IN THE CEILING BY AN UNSEEN FORCE!" type of things. It's refreshing in it's simplicity.While I wouldn't call it believable, the vast majority of this film feels more realistic than others of the genre and that's a nice touch. Although a bit more knowledge on the occult might have helped.Not perfect, not very scary, but still much better than a lot of found footage films of late.

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