Arthurs Quest
Arthurs Quest
| 03 March 1999 (USA)
Arthurs Quest Trailers

To escape the clutches of the evil warrior and sorceress Morgana, Merlin transports young King Arthur into modern day America. When Merlin comes back ten years later to retrieve him, he finds a hip 15 year-old Arthur who does not believe Merlin, nor does he want to return to the past. Merlin must convince Arthur of his true identity, before Morgana can retrieve Excalibur and allow the Dark Forces to take over the world.


When I bought this at a store for 50p, I expected a cheap giggle, thinking it would be one of them 'It's so bad it's good'. Alas, it was not... The audio was poor and had to turn up my speakers all the way, and even then I couldn't even understand what was being said from time to time.I know this is a kid's film, but even they would be disgusted by this. The actors are wooden or just not very good. I felt the story didn't flow very well and there was just no 'magic' you expect for a film that goes by 'Arthur's Quest'.Put it this way, when me and my mates watched this for a laugh, we didn't even see the end 'cos it was THAT bad. In the end, we all took turns taking a slash on it and then set it on fire.

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If I was still 8 years old, I think I would have enjoyed this film immensely but since it's a long time since I was, it's difficult to try to view this from my present age. And be sure, this is a film for kids around that age, a throwback to the old live-action family films that Disney was churning out in the late sixties and seventies.Still, there's enough to keep adults interested, for the dads there is the scantily clad Catherine Oxenberg, looking more like a supermodel Xena than a medieval sorceress and for the mums there is the young hero's working mother to empathise with.For the rest of us, it's spotting all the holes in the plot! For instance, how are all the ancients from another century so familiar with modern age slang? Not to mention the fundamental flaw when the evil Morgana is defeated, if it was that easy, why not just do it from the start?Then again, that's rather unfair as we adults are not the intended audience and the kids it was aimed at, should like this.

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Movie for kids actually, it wasn't bad with an afternoon to waste. Nice family values and interaction. Sorry guy but, I think the role of Aurthur should have been given to someone else. This guy is too complacent. Sometimes he even seems to want to be anywhere else but where he is. The final action scene was too much! (actually too little) seemed forced and very "acted".

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I really enjoyed this movie! I had seven children over at my house and put Arthur's Quest in the video machine. All the kids enjoyed it and were completely entranced. The action in the movie is great and keeps the kids entertained but without violence. The children ranged in ages 5 thru 10 and all loved it. Their favorite character was the enjoyable "alley thug" who had tremendous comedic timing. Not only does the movie have action but also has tender moments which touch on family values and wholesome ideals. This is one to watch and have at home when you have a crowd of kids and need to keep them all entertained. Buy it, you won't be sorry!!!

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