Angel's Egg
Angel's Egg
| 22 December 1985 (USA)
Angel's Egg Trailers

In a desolate and dark world full of shadows, lives one little girl who seems to do nothing but collect water in jars and protect a large egg she carries everywhere. A mysterious man enters her life... and they discuss the world around them.


Angel's Egg is so far the best anime I have ever seen. With it's stunning animation, heavy symbolism and long scenes the movie has a very surreal, almost religious atmosphere. The dialogues are very sparse but deliberate, which really establishes the emphasis on visual side of the work. The art is beautiful and highly detailed. The gorgeus and memorable shots are very well accompanied with fantasic music. The story itself is pretty vague and confusing but when taking in account the entirety of the piece it creates an icreadible exploration of deep themes of faith and it's implications. Highly recommended.

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Using dark sequences along with mind bending puzzles or clues to this film, Oshii himself said he didn't know what this film was about while he directed it. A quaint but subtle story about a nameless girl protecting an egg she keeps hidden under her dress while at the same time is introduced accidentally to a military looking man who is also nameless that wields a cross shaped weapon. Normally one would just escape such an intimidating individual except the girl reluctantly begins to trust him slowly, and shows him some of the oldest, and strangest art she had come across while staying in such a desolate, and Gothic looking city gathering water.For 1985 this movie was well done since it was hand drawn. NO CGI interfered, or was used for any frame. Artistically it's a marvel, but the story was quite deep with its existential plot. One could interpret the girl as being a caretaker of a sort while scavenging for food and water while the solider was someone destined to take her place after his death, which seemed to fit his character. Both of them were killed at one point in their lives but at different times. After he arrived by way of armoured tanks you never see them again.The egg itself is a symbol of life. Maybe... she did take care of it since her arrival of who knows when, but as soon as the soldier broke it open the little girl decides to exact vengeance for his actions. Instead falls into a dark watery pit to her sudden death where her last breath of bubbles floats up to the surface in the form of eggs. After that on a lonely beach of despair you can see the solider looking over the horizon on a dark ocean where a great orb rises up. From the silent stands of idols however is the little girl sitting on her own throne holding the egg in diligent manner.All he can do is watch the orb ascend to the heavens helpless, and alone. For his actions of breaking the egg says he must now take her place in order for retribution to his violent nature to be appeased. This film was quite satisfying as far as the story went. Many people could interpret who they were or why they were nameless. Souls that would be wiped out in an instant might travel to far distances in the afterlife. Maybe that's what the film was trying to say. The destination is the key. For the solider his travels were just beginning. For the girl, hers had ended. Horrible as it was she still fulfilled her duties, and got her just reward to heaven by way of a holy transport. The movie is very cerebral, often taking weird turns but leaves a nice taste behind for another part to be revealed. I highly recommend this film for two things... One it is hand drawn only. No CGI was used in any part of it. Second, the artistic display shown was fantastic.Dark, dismal, but very poetic in some ways. It's not often such an animated film like this comes along but when it does it is so refreshing to watch. For action lovers this is not a film for you. You will get bored, and decide to shut it off or change the channel. For the more intellectual people I say take the time to study this film. The art, plot, and theme will surprise you.

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This masterpiece by Mamoru Oshii (Character designs by the great Yoshitaka Amano) is really one of a kind, thought provoking, artistic almost in a style of Dali and other great artists. The dark atmosphere and the inexplicable happenings bring Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey to my mind. There isn't much dialogue in the film, which is in my opinion a great decision. If you're into anime, especially the Mamoru Oshii stylish "slow and atmospheric" anime, this is a must see. I might even say this is one of the great classics in the history of anime although this title might be quite unknown to all. Really recommended!

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So..The animation's not that bad.Now that's out of the way.. I consider this film the "Manos, The Hands of Fate" of Anime. What's the point behind this movie? None.. I couldn't bring myself to care about the characters, the scenery.. the non-existant plot. Nothing in this anime made sense to me. I saw this at an anime club showing, and after trying to get an explanation out of other anime fans seeing this movie, I gave up and walked out. Turns out I wasn't alone. This is a very punishing anime. I didn't do anything wrong!! AAAHH!! THE FLYING FISH!! MAKE IT STOP!!*whew*This is the type of anime that you'll either love.. or absolutely hate. I don't see much of a middle ground at all. If you're a first time anime watcher.. you'll get a very bad taste in your mouth after watching this drivel. I just can't see anything redeeming in this film.

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