An Everlasting Piece
An Everlasting Piece
R | 22 December 2000 (USA)
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Colin is a Catholic and George is a poetry-loving Protestant. In Belfast in the 1980s, they could have been enemies, but instead they became business partners. After persuading a mad wig salesman, known as the Scalper, to sell them his leads, the two embark on a series of house calls

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This film is a stinker. In an era when we can see SIX FEET UNDER and SCRUBS on the box, who would want to go to a cinema or pay good money to buy or rent this? It's set (with no real sense of place or time) in 80's Ulster. It's about toupee salesmen in irritatingly stupid situations with story lines wandering in a zillion pointless directions. It features music chosen at random from the Oirish songbook (and this was nominated for a music award!!!!!?????).What on earth Billy Connolly is doing in the film is beyond comprehension? He pops up from time to time at the start, disappears completely in the middle and makes a pointless final appearance at the end. But he's not alone: A police detective makes a strong appearance then vanishes from the film too.One suspects that this was a movie that came into the cutting room as a rescue job which never worked. It's a crying shame since there is a good comedy to made out of the conflict in the North of Ireland - but this definitely isn't it. Luckily, 4 years later, first time writer-director Terry Loane's "MICKYBO AND ME" (2004) filled the gap with style and higher production values despite being made on a fraction of EVERLASTING PIECE's budget. Be warned - AN EVERLASTING PIECE is just what it says on the tin - it seems to last forever with a mere 95 minutes feeling like 10 wasted hours. See MICKYBO AND ME instead. (I have no connection with either production team or am in any way partisan.)

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I thought of this flick as a nice fun escape. Nothing to heavy about Northern Ireland just a couple of dudes trying to earn a buck. Get a trip to the big luau. Hit the big isle get some sun and eats some poi. Yeh its worth all the crap these dudes go through. A good flick to enjoy. Also the ending had a nice warm fuzzy feeling without making a huge deep statement. The dog chase was cool. Where KFC keeps their secret recipe was also entertaining. I think a lot of good movies came out of England and Ireland in the nineties was pretty good all in all. To bad they don't get enough exposure in the United States of America. I mean come on Hollyweird is pretty slack on quality entertainment. They canceled Firefly and Briscoe County JR great westerns with scifi.

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On the surface, this is a lighthearted comedy. A Prod and a Catholic become best of mates, launch a franchise, some antics ensue, and in the end we can all laugh happily ever after. But look again and see what no one will mention...By the 1980's, the Provos were being funded by Libya(!) and the Loyalists by South Africa to prop up a civil war. This is not, and never was about the ideal of loyal Ulster, or the ideal of Nationalism...ordinary working class folks were the tools in this conflict, and to this day the perpetrators on both sides remain unsanctioned. 3500 dead, thousands maimed or 'rug' will ever cover that up. Connolly, the Scot, sees through all this absurdity...apropos, he plays it like Brando in "Apocalypse Now" (swallowing the bug).

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Fantastic film. It was very funny, but also very dark at times, while not being depressing. It can be so dead serious in even fairly absurd situations that it comes across as tragic even though you are laughing so hard your belly aches. Poignant.In short, a protestant and catholic barber who become friends try to break into the toupee business. The back drop is northern Ireland when things were still pretty bad there. I say the humor is so sharp it makes you bleed because for me at least, I would be laughing quite hard during a scene, and then, when it was over, suddenly realize how afraid I'd been for the characters. Or I would suddenly have an insight into the motivations and the time that would be enough to make you weep. But you just have to laugh, because the people in the story move on regardless. Apparently the writer (or someone ) based it somewhat off his father's stories of similar adventures.I cannot recommend this move enough. I plan to buy it.

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