Amityville Death House
Amityville Death House
| 06 February 2015 (USA)
Amityville Death House Trailers

A young woman and her friends are threatened by an ancient witch's curse when they stop in the town of Amityville to check in on her sickly grandmother.

Michael Ledo

It seems the Salem Witch (?) of Amityville was killed for ummm being a real witch. She curses the descendants of those that killed her. And apparently it is now time to kill them off. Eric Roberts reads from the limited edition "Evil Dead" DVD case that looks like a book as he flips cheap Rider Waite Tarot cards which causes the witch Abigail to enact her revenge which includes some college kids visiting grandma.This is better than many of the Polonia films out there believe it or not. One of the aspects of Polonia films is to have long vehicle drives with tons of useless dialogue filler. They gave us a break on this one as the drive didn't consume the entire film only to end with a rubber head of a dinosaur.The acting was bad, special effects needed help, and the plot didn't make a lot of sense. Eric Roberts phoned it in with one of the worse sinister laughs I have ever heard. What was that spider thing supposed to be?No f-bombs, sex, or nudity. I don't know who those women are on the front cover. No babes were filmed in the making of this movie.

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Despite watching wall to wall dreadful Amityville films for some reason I had higher hopes for this one. I thought the cover art was fantastic, almost a homage to old B movies and I wanted to see what was going on with this big boobed spider woman! Alas I was foolish in my expectations and yet again this blatant cash grab failed to deliver on every front. And the spider woman? Well there is one, barely.....but that isn't her on the cover.With yet another baffling storyline, clear budget limitations and awful cast this can be put on the shelf right alongside all the other embarrassing Amityville efforts.The Good: Interesting covert art The Bad: Cover art is a lie Shoddy camera work Eric Roberts is just terrible here Awful deaths Effects are just pitiful Mysterious whispers have never worked Why cast Eric Roberts if you aren't even going to show his face? Things I Learnt From This Movie: Witch Cakes made of urine, Demi Moores next business venture?Witches are part cow and thus have udders

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This is the eleventh Amityville movie. It is not very good. The Amityville horror is a lot better. Amityville II the possession is also better. Amityville 3 the demon is also better. Amityville 4 the evil escapes is also better. The Amityville cures is also better. Amtiyville it's about time is also better. Amityville A new generation is also better. The Amityville dollhouse is also better. This movie it not scary. The story line is awful. The acting is awful. The ending is awful. Do not waste your time. Do not waste your money. Do not see this awful movie. I need more lines and I am running out of thing to say. This movie is awful. Do not see it.

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The Amityville Horror keeps itself alive now with these cheap direct to video sequels by now that bare little resemblance to the novel and movie of the first film. Besides the somewhat familiar looking house it has no link to any other films in the series changing the lore to have a young girl named Tiffany checking on her grandmother and finding it possessed by a witch's spirit after the descendants that killed her.While the opening was promising the execution was a mess from the wooden delayed reactions from the actors to the contrived and jumble mess with the script. The sheriff runs over a ghost only to leave his vehicle searching for bodies and the way her friends die isn't the same in the finale.The effects were cheap cgi made by hacks who couldn't cut it in film school and the sets are as phony as a high school play. Don't get me started on the shot camera work that looks like it was recorded on a cell phone or how unfocused it looked when zooming in on a closeup. While I thought the witch had promise in her spider outfit it wasn't scary nor suspenseful once they read from the book of the dead. The music is like a retro guitar rift from the 70s. Mark Polonia has only two projects under his name and he may want to consider another career choice. This was a nonessential and a waste of time.

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