R | 11 April 2002 (USA)
Alone Trailers

Experience the fear as you're sucked into the disturbed mind of Alex. Tormented by harrowing voices of the past Alex searches for the one girl who can silence the horror of a tortured soul. As the quest becomes darker and more sinister Alex's fear filled stalking leaves behind a trail of dead bodies. Inspector Hannah is the detective who makes a desperate attempt to piece together the mystery as he is drawn into this terrifying journey.


I wasn't going to write a review about this, but having scanned down the list and seen what a bashing the film has been given I had to say something! I thought it was very creepy. Everything that you see is through the killer's eyes - you see their daily routine and hear their thoughts. Plus one of the killing scenes was really disturbing (but some people who have put comments up on here thought it funny?! No...) OK so the result meant that the camera was a bit all over the place and made people feel sick, but I didn't have this problem at all. The ending could have been more developed though, I needed to know more - but still very worth seeing - and I would want to see something else that this director has done more recently.

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I did not expect this when I put the DVD in to watch. I am not sure what I expected but I am really glad I rented it out, I felt like I had found a gem amongst all the Hollywood garbage you normally find in your local video store.Good editing, great soundtrack and the view of the lead through her eyes.The forced feeding scene is genuinely disturbing and i could not stop thinking about it for days afterwards, the way it was extended when you thought it was all over kept me awake that night! That to me, is good direction and acting, when you really feel for the character.The way the director captured the sense of overwhelming control that Alex's obsessive-compulsive behaviour has over her seems very realistic also, like you are hearing her thought as well as seeing her actions.I don't think too many people have seen this film because everyone I ask has never heard of it. From memory it was one of those films that the video store only had 1 or 2 copies of so that probably puts the masses off straight away.I had to go and order it on DVD after I rented it out.. definitely not a film for everyones tastes though, although my girlfriend enjoyed it also.Not the best film I have ever seen by far (some of plot and acting pretty poop )but worth watching and I didn't feel like I had wasted 90 minutes at the end. I must admit that I was slightly disappointed at the end of the film with the way it ended but that's life.The lighting in this movie is not going to be to everyones tastes, a fair bit of strobe effects to go with that great soundtrack, could mess a few heads up.I think the director will be one to watch in the future, apparently this was his first proper feature film which on reflection makes sense but if I met him he would get a handshake and a "well done".

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I advise anyone and everyone NEVER to watch this film. To be frank with all of you this film was the worst film i have ever had to watch, yes its even worse than Braindead!It was possibly the most boring story line ever, and the editing and shots in this film were so poor, they resembled the work of a year 11 Media Student who thinks it cool to use shaky repetitive shots to make a film good. The whole film is shot using a blue filter, yes meaning that everything was blue, this was ineffective and annoying. I believe that a monkey could do a better job than the director of this film. The acting (if you could call it acting) was shameful and i mean so shameful that i am embarrassed for the actors in this film. The monotone voices and badly written script could send anyone who suffers from insomnia straight to sleep.The story couldn't have made less of an impact on me if it tried, come to think of if i have no idea what this film was about i spend most of the time watching this film crying at how bad it was. But to make it worse it wasn't even so bad it was laughable, which some films are take Crossroads for instance.You may be asking, Why natalie didn't you just stop watching the film? Well i will tell you why! Because i paid £3 yes 3 whole pounds to rent this film out. And i felt so ripped off, so please don't buy this film! You will only feel that you have wasted your money, and you will be helping these dumb ass monkeys make money!I hope you will bear this in mind. Thankyou for your time but really you should be thanking me because i have saved you the money and the time!

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This is technically well made - in terms of audio-visuals. But, despite clear craftsmanship in this, area the film is let down in the end by a severe plot deficit. After tantalising the viewer as the to gender and identity of the perpetrator the film decides not to bother with this. SO one is left with a sense of annoyance.Pity

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