Aliens on the Moon: The Truth Exposed
Aliens on the Moon: The Truth Exposed
NR | 20 July 2014 (USA)
Aliens on the Moon: The Truth Exposed Trailers

Never-before-aired NASA footage presents evidence that the Moon is being used as a base.


This is possibly the fifth worst thing I've ever watched. Certainly the third worst thing I've ever seen on Netflix (behind the atrocious "Haunting of Silver Falls" and another alien conspiracy movie I watched that was even worse).The entirety of this movie consists of someone talking about an object on the moon that is most certainly just a normal rock or crater, but has a shadow that makes it look strange. Then they color in the "shape" of the object they think is there, which gives - at least they think it gives - the appearance that some kind of artifact has to be there. Then they discuss those shapes for a long time. That's really all there is to it. Let me point out three reasons why none of their claims make any sense:1) They claim that the aliens use plasma from stars like our sun to power all their stuff, yet they say that they created a nuclear power plant on the moon. Why would they need it if they already had their energy source found out?2) Our moon sucks. There's nothing on it.There are other moons in our solar system they could use as a base that have water on them - frozen seas and all - that could be much more useful. And if they had faster than light travel to reach us in the first place, then it would be extremely easy to reach us from there, so it doesn't matter if they're on our moon or another moon further away. No alien race would want to use our moon as a base.3) Better yet, if aliens came here why wouldn't they just use our earth as a base and just force us to let them stay? It's not like we could do anything about it if they're that advanced. You're saying that these creatures traveled many light years to reach us *just* to create a nuclear power plant on our moon and some satellite that looks down at us (yes, they said the aliens have a satellite dish on the moon. Not like they'd have something a lot better on their own ship). That seems like a gigantic waste of time for them.To conclude, this documentary makes no sense, and is so bad it's kind of funny. It's one of the worst things I've seen, but I'd still recommend it if you want something to make fun of. For review purposes, 1/10. For pure entertainment purposes, 7/10.

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Actually pathetic and truly a disgrace to mankind...The whole documentary they are just zooming in on NASA pictures, claiming to see some alien structure, wheels, hidden UFO's, etc., while these are just embossed crates of the moon. Actually I hated myself for even having watched this (partially)!! What kind of idiot makes this up and possibly photo shops some NASA images and actually believes it? Wow, how low can someone actually go by making a story of it and claiming this to be true. I wanted to poke out my eyes with a needle for seeing this, worst is that I know some people might even get persuaded by this load of sh*t...

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Dan Stewart

So much fake, so ridiculous. Putting one of the "experts" in front of a few (fake?) Nasa suits does not increase her credibility. I had to switch it off when they showed supposedly real footage of some vehicle or being siphoning "plasma from the sun". Based on how big the sun is, that...thing..., based on the picture we see, would have to be several hundred or thousand kilometers big. This is like the wet dream of some conspiracy theory bloggers. It might be fun if you do some drinking games, based on the usual terms they use, the "experts" ("paranormal investigator"), all the cliché "secrets" mentioned. Terrible, and I wonder why it's even on Netflix, it's something you usually only find on Youtube

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I was listening Coast to Coast show few nights before this documentary and i was all hyped to hear something new or revolutionary. Sadly this documentary is complete 2 hour waste of time. Its watchable for lets say first half than it become ludicrous. Documentary degenerated into a redundancy of the same photos and commentary for most of the second hour. People who are related to ufology are probably familiar with all photos shown along with most of the discussion. Than at the end, alleged Apollo 18,19 and 20 unproven missions, along with the retrieved, female ET body came. At that point its credibility ended and it was clear this really is mockumentary. As i said in title this is more or less television show in which fictional events are presented in documentary style to create a parody. This show analyze or comment on current events and issues by using a fictional setting.Please future writers and directors don't make another documentary on the same subject until we get some new ultra high definition pictures from orbit.

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