Otherwise known as 'Alarmed', this story takes a long time to get going. In fact, for a while, it is difficult to imagine it developing into a horror film at all. Jennifer Stuckart plays lead Samantha neither as a screaming damsel in distress or as a traditionally sassy no-nonsense 'final girl'. She is simply an intelligent woman caught up in a spiral of very odd events.The boat itself seems to be trying to get Samantha to confront the truth regarding the death of her family some years earlier. It does this by separating her from boyfriend Mark (Brian Rife) by locking him out of the cabin area with her on the inside. And there he stays (vast bulks of his dialogue consists of urgent pleas: 'Sam, look at me, stay with me, Sam' ad nauseum). Nothing Sam does has any effect on the machinations of the 'ghost boat' (as a SPOILER, she is instructed to harm herself again and again, which she resists. When her allotted time runs out, the 'boat' forces her to do it anyway). After every episode, we appear to go back to beginning again.Unfortunately, things quickly become wearisome. Or to be more precise, things SLOWLY become tedious, because nothing happens with much urgency at all. Despite the admirably restrained playing of the cast, we appear to be waiting for something to happen and resisting the urge to go and do something else instead. Director (and writer) Matt Lofgren occasionally injects the dullness with feeling of tension (moments that are very reliant on the performances more than anything else) but it isn't enough to lift events from tedium.The boat itself looks lovely, but there is no sense of remoteness and no dark corners conducive to a haunting, or whatever it is that's happening here. The cast deserved better, sadly.
... View MoreAlarmed otherwise known as Ghost Boat is one of existential messy horror films that you walk away from feeling like nothing really happened. Kind of like Dallas, watching an entire season then getting told huzzah that season was all a dream! Not a slap in the face to the viewer at all, no spoilers here though the issue isn't a "Dream" I simply use that comparison because of the way you are left feeling at the end.The movie is criminally boring and plays out like a scyfy original but without the awful yet charming CGI.After watching the film I went to my shed, pulled out paint tins and poured some onto the floor then sat comfortably and watched the paint dry. I can confirm that this was more exciting than Alarmed/Ghost Boat.The fact that ants were drawn to the paint and held a bloody battle royale for the hand of the sweet maiden cockroach did make the comparison unfair but all the same I'd far rather watch Sir Anthony the ant run his rival Adam the ant through with a leaf stalk than 5 minutes more of that moronic drivel.
... View MoreI recorded this after watching the almost unwatchable "Ghost Ship" and managed to find an even worse of paranormal nautical themed horror film. A mentally unstable woman in on her family yacht and each night wakes up not remembering what horrible events occurred the night before, which she may or may not be responsible for. Lost memory is a pretty weak and overdone story device and the film's feint nods to other stories like "Repulsion" or "And Then There Were None" only serve to remind you how bad this film is. Skip this one and if you insist on watching the supernatural at sea, just watch the first 10 minutes of "Ghost Ship."
... View MoreGhost Boat. At first I thought it a rip-off of Ghost Ship from 2002. But actually... it's not. I was positively intrigued to see this was a good film and not more cheap horror that keeps manifesting everyday.As much as I want to spoil the hell out of this film because I want to encourage horror fans who are open-minded to watch this I just can't because I would personally HATE having the highlights of the film ruined. The...say... "Ohh no no no no" moments. Or the "Ohhh you gotta be kidding me. This is too mean " kinda moments.Yea, guys. We got some good ones of those. The story is pretty much as is already highlighted so not point is explaining that. Now. The music is something you'll immediately notice. Its old school and it works really well. It may strike some of you as a little corny...but I personally took great liking to it.Don't watch this to expect a huge masterpiece or something like The Grudge or stuff like that. This film...is the kind of horror you can watch on a casual day. Grin and laugh at MEANWHILST being freaked out in a tasteful way. Its not blood and gore amass. It is of course a few disturbing visuals but all in all. Its the anticipation for what happens that is the real "evil element" in this. Keep that in mind if you wanna give it a shot. I personally am going to watch it again. Good film. Other than that I'll highlight a few basic features about this: Nice character likability. (You wont hate the cast or stuff like that which I personally hate when happens. Acting is okay and I noticed that Lofgren "maybe unintentionally or not" placed heavy focus on faces here. It really helps when having to relate to the people in the film. It might just be me...but yea. )It's its own thing: It truly is even though it has various features borrowed from Devil from 2010 or Ghost Ship 2002. It works okay in my opinion. I found it rather hilarious to be honest. The evil tech forcing you to do stuff. Satan in a boat. Whats not to love.All in all its Fun, entertaining, bit scary and most importantly...doesn't disappoint in regard to anticipating horror elements.And a F-ING great ending ! Totally hilarious. Priceless really. and I SOOO want to spoil it....SO BADLY...but I wont of course. Ill just ...leave you with a little hint: Dr. Feinstone would love to be of help *winks*My GOD. Totally NOT a letdown at all.Mr. Lofgren. Thank you ! To the entire cast... THANK YOU! Thanks to all for making a film like this. Respectable replay value. Special in its own way. A solid 6 out of 10 which equals = A Good Film. Definitely above average. Thats all I can say, fellas. Nice film. I recommend it to people who love a nice ordinary horror film with both horror as well as few entertaining moments.
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