After Newtown: Guns in America
After Newtown: Guns in America
| 19 February 2013 (USA)
After Newtown: Guns in America Trailers

Explore America’s enduring relationship with firearms: From the first European settlements in the New World to frontier justice; from 19th Century immigrant riots to gangland violence in the Roaring Twenties; from the Civil War to Civil Rights, guns have been at center of our national narrative for four hundred years.


A film that presents two sides: the pro gun side and a nebulous other side. Its historical account was written by pro gun types and its analysis is tilted that way from the beginning. No discussion about the gun industry, gun lobby, the Republican party goose stepping to the NRA, the defense industry, the American military industrial complex, the causes of our culture of violence, or any comparison with other countries--the great majority--that have little guns or gun violence. Really a horrible unbalanced film that says nothing. Also, it is unclear just who produced this documentary and who the various commentators are since there is no identification of anybody.I am surprised that PBS approved this film and has shown it, presumably, on the air for a mass audience.

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