Across the Sea of Time
Across the Sea of Time
G | 20 October 1995 (USA)
Across the Sea of Time Trailers

A young Russian boy, Thomas Minton, travels to New York as a passenger on a Russian freighter. Close to Ellis Island he gets off and thus starts his journey to America the same way as all immigrants in former times. Thomas is searching for the family of one of his ancestors, who had emigrated decades ago, but once sent a letter home together with a sample of his new profession: 3D-Photography.


Dear Mr. Gillis; I'm an actor, but not writing to you as one. I recently saw the above film, "Across the Sea of Time," that you wrote in 1995 and just wanted to tell you that I absolutely loved it. It was a beautiful film and you should be very proud of it.Too bad more people haven't had the opportunity to see it. Loved seeing the old photos of New York in the early 1900's, the young boy actor and the theme of the story. After seeing it I called the casting director to see if I could get some kind of a work address to send a "thank you" to you, but they would not give me anything which, I guess, is the right thing to do! Wish there were more films like this today. Thank you!Best wishes, A fan

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This is a beautiful film, enhanced by John Barry's fabulous score (although some parts were written for a previous movie.) I have seen this film 3 times. Sydney Imax, Adelaide Imax and Melbourne Imax. At Melbourne, the right eye image was OUT OF FOCUS!! No, it was not me having had a few too many, and it was not the glasses. Changing them made no difference. I wrote a letter of complaint to Melbourne Imax but guess what? They didn't reply. All too hard I suppose. Considering the technology of the move projection (IE only one projector not two) it is hard to understand how one image was out of focus and not both. Someone else can explain this to me. Apart from all that, the 3D in this movie, the stereo cards, and the music - everything is just wonderful.Yes, the story too! Being a collector of stereo cards (and also having been to NYC) this movie has special significance for me. I took a friend who is also a stereo photography guru and he was totally overcome by the total experience. Now....... I made a very big mistake of buying the VHS video tape last week. One word or advice - DON'T - unless you only have one eye and/or never have and never will see the 3D version!! Such a let-down and so disappointing. If you like the music you can get the CD. Question: When will Sony Picture bring it back? It is timeless - way beyond the bounds of fashion or modernity. At least they should release it on a 3D DVD!! (Polarised glasses too...?) Maybe the technology is already here, but I haven't heard about it. Tomas Minton well done! PS. I had already posted this then I read John Frame's comments: "Blending the best 3D imagery from 1916 and 1995, 4 January 2003" John, just to add to your nice review, the WTC towers DO feature quite prominently in at least two scenes in the movie. A jolt to bring us back to modern times hey!

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It was one boring Sunday afternoon...I had nothing to do so I decided to check out the new IMAX theatre. They played this movie and I almost never recovered after it. Never would I imagine that I would be so moved by a film. I would say this is the perfect movie, both visually and storytelling. I is done with so much emotion. I cried and was completely taken by this experience. It really shows New York in a beautiful way. You can almost smell the city watching this. Beautiful film with mindblowing music by Bond composer John Barry. I immediately bought the soundtrack after I left the theatre. Just incredible! For those people (I can imagine a lot of them) who have not seen this...GO SEE IT! It is most likely very difficult to find nowdays though which is a big shame.

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This is undoubtedly the single greatest IMAX film I have ever seen. Its visual effects may seem a little outdated - although this certainly adds to the charm - but it conveys its sweet little plot with a sense of grandeur. Whereas most IMAX films try to make you feel like you're in a theme park, watching some special effects extravaganza, "Across The Sea Of Time" could stand independently as an example of exceptional storytelling, and a great FILM.I'm shocked and disappointed that it clearly wasn't popular enough to sustain an audience, as it is now virtually impossible to find a cinema anywhere that is showing it. So sad.If IMAX want to save themselves, they need to commit to getting great filmmakers and allowing them to tell their stories on the big screen, as was clearly their policy when they created this.Do NOT, under any circumstances, miss this film.

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