Don't get me wrong. It's not great. But for a no-budget movie, it's a decent, watchable effort. I'm a strong believer in the at-least-they- tried theory of reviewing this kind of thing. It's not an embarrassment. There are some good performances, decent camera work and the writing avoids major suckitude. I give kudos to the the main bad guy who pulls off the role of a borderline psychotic middle-manager of a hit-man quite well. My biggest complaint stems from a movie about a porn star that contains no sex and no nudity at all. Make her a waitress or a secretary. It's the same movie without the bait and switch.
... View MoreBelgium has a mysterious label that vanished years ago but is still sought after by fans of really bad flicks. The label was called Emporium Movies. You can't find anything about it on the web They did had an official site but that also is removed for years. They were know to bring out flicks that weren't available on DVD or really unknown flicks. Nowadays you have to search on flea markets to find stuff from that label. They even brought out flicks that aren't on IMDb, go figure that one out. Absolution is a flick that had an official release still, they brought it out to be sold in the Netherlands and Belgium. This is one mess of a flick. Angels coming to earth, porn flicks being shot and we are on set when they are filmed but don't think you will see any nudity. It's just all bad language and talking what they are going to do with the girls. Bad sound makes it even worse to watch. It's the job of the angel to stop porn tapes being transferred all over the world because they contain some kind of chemical substance. So we have a few stories going on, the angel, the mob and the porn section but they never really blend together. I have seen thousands and thousands of flicks even the really bad ones but this here never really got my attention. The porn section, euh, sucks. The torture scene is promising but nothing is shown. The whole problem is the acting and the conversations. Gore 0/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 0/5 Story 0,5/5 Comedy 0/5
... View MoreAfter I rented this one, I thought it would've been nice if someone created an amateur section to put it in. The film makes the production for "The Blair Witch" project look expert in comparison. Not only is the film quality poor, but the audio is awful. I had to turn the volume up and down. Then you have the cheesy acting, where the kids on Sesame Street do a better job. I don't mean to step on toes here, as the plot was creative, if not definitely unique. I just couldn't get past feeling like I was watching someone's home videos and endure the whole thing, much less enjoy it. 1/10
... View MoreI can best describe this movie as a high school drama class project. Honestly, it has about as the same crew experience level and budget. Pathetic, long pointless scenes with even more pointless dialog, which at times is barely audible. I once heard that every detail in a movie is done for a reason. In this movie, the details just happened to be in front of the camera wherever they spontaneously decided to film.The only saving grace of this whole DVD are the shock style trailers in the extra's.0/10. A complete waste a a ____ to the people who voted anything else for this POS. I wasted $20 on the DVD. I guess the real idiot here is me.
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