A Virgin Among the Living Dead
A Virgin Among the Living Dead
| 15 November 1973 (USA)
A Virgin Among the Living Dead Trailers

A girl arrives from London to visit her estranged relatives in a remote castle for the reading of her father's will. After a while she discovers that they are all in fact dead and her decision to live with them turns into a nightmare. Unable to leave she's drawn into a macabre underworld through visions of nude satanic rituals and her own impending sacrifice.


Jess Franco should not have been allowed near film production equipment. The story, nonsense. A girl goes back to her father's castle after his death for the reading of the will. There's a punch of relatives and other hanging around. One chick is seen sucking the blood of another chick. Real amateur hour. There's a retard mute hanging around, played by, guess who, the freaking writer/director, Jess Franco. Man, it's just a bunch of disgusting non likable characters. The best actor was the main female character, but that's not saying much. The cinematography was by some loser, jerky camera moves. Nothing happens for most of the movie. Except some nude scenes. Then we find out that the relatives were out to kill or make the girl go insane. Which is what happened. Also, what happened to the one normal guy she bumped into. Never heard from again.This "movie" was slow, boring and disgusting. Amateur writing, filming, acting all the way through. The only way to enjoy this is if you're incredibly high or stupid. Fans of this garbage may dismiss its faults and say but it has atmosphere. It does not. Call it an art film and join the cult. Not good at all. I've seen one other film by this Franco character, Vampyros Lesbos. That's a pile of crap as well.This movie with other cult films like Suspria, Rosemary's Baby, Aliens, Dawn of the Dead all fall into the same pile of garbage. But maybe this film more than others.Here's some recommended films: Messiah of Evil, Footprints on the Moon, Night of the Living Dead (not Dawn of the Dead), White Zombie, All the Color of the Dark.

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A Virgin Among the Living Dead was directed by the mega prolific Jess Franco at a period when he was delivering his most consistently interesting work. It's definitely one of his better films. It's another low budget sexploitation flick that was obviously cheaply made but there is no denying that this was one of the movies where Franco took a bit more care. The result is an effectively dream-like and quite stylish erotic horror.The story revolves around a girl who travels to a remote mansion for the reading of the will of her recently deceased father. While there she encounters her very strange relatives and pretty soon a series of bizarre events start to occur, including strange supernatural happenings.This is one of the movies that really shows that Franco definitely had something interesting to offer. His filmography was wildly erratic and uneven, which is really to be expected for a director responsible for two hundred films. However, on occasion his left-field, slightly surrealistic style produced movies that were amongst the best in the erotic genre. There is definitely an interesting ambiance to this one. The selection of weird characters and the strange events experienced by the heroine are all successfully dream-like. There is a fair bit of striking imagery such as the seated man who is pulled slowly backwards into a black void, a strange night-time walk through the woods, a vampiric lesbian coupling and the occult ceremony near the end. The latter is scored by cool music by Bruno Nicolai whose soundtrack is very good throughout the film and helps sustain the mood. Franco regular Howard Vernon plays a lecherous uncle but best of all is Christina von Blanc in the title role. She was very beautiful and this is one of her rare appearances.

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Paul Andrews

Christina, Princesse de L'Erotism starts as a young woman named Christina Benson (Christina von Blanc) arrives at her late father's mansion for the reading of his will. Christina is greeted by by her Uncle Howard (Howard Vernon) & Aunt Abigail (Rosa Palomar), also there is a strange woman named Carmence (Britt Nichols) who Howard claims is 'part of the family' & a blind woman named Linda (Linda Hastreiter) who is there for the hell of it. Strange things begin to happen, Christina sees visions of her dead father &, well, that's it really.This French, Italian & Liechtenstein (!) co-production was actually shot in German language & is known more commonly under the exploitative title of Virgin Among the Living Dead among English speaking audiences despite the original version not containing any virgin's or living dead, written & directed by Jesus 'I have no talent' Franco who also has a fairly large role in the film as a retarded mute weirdo (insert your own joke here...) I thought Christina, Princesse de L'Erotisme was absolutely terrible in every single way. First thing to say is that this piece of crap is available in several different versions including one with zombie footage from Jean Rollin's Zombie Lake (1981) spliced in, people criticize distribution companies for messing around with director's work but in this case I feel they were just trying to make a decent film out of a utterly crap piece of s*it. I will be basing my comments on the 2003 so-called uncut 80 odd minute 'Euroshock' DVD cut but when all said & done a piece of s*it by any other name still smells as bad. For a start I don't want to sit down to watch a film & be bored out of my skull, unfortunately Christina, Princesse de L'Erotisme did just that. The plot is incomprehensible, it makes zero sense, the character's are awful & don't act like any normal person would, the dialogue sounds like it was written by five year old's & there isn't even any decent exploitation in it. I hate Franco films, I just don't understand why he has any fans at all & this piece of crap has done nothing to change my opinion.I don't normally launch personal attacks on director's but in the case of Jesus 'I have no talent' Franco I'll make an exception, I think he is quite simply the worst filmmaker of all time. His films look terrible, they are full of ugly zooms which are often out of focus, jerky & aren't framed properly. The rest of the photography is just point & shoot, there really isn't anything else to his work & those who accuse him of having style are obviously looking at something different than I am. Christina, Princesse de L'Erotisme also has virtually no exploitation elements, there are a few naked women, one woman sucks the blood from another's cut breast, there's a severed arm & that's it. It's not scary, there's no tension or atmosphere, I didn't care what happened to anyone & while some might be charitable & describe it as surreal I just describe it as an absolute boring mess.Technically the film is poor, hell this is a Jesus 'I have no talent' Franco film so what did you expect? The acting is awful as is the dubbing.Christina, Prinecesse de L'Erotisme is yet another terrible film from Franco, I hated it & it's as simple & straight forward as that. Some like Franco's films & if your one of them then you'll probably like this but if your looking for a good horror film, or just a good film for that matter then give this one a wide a berth as you possibly can.

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What we have here is a collaboration between Jean Rollin; famous for his lesbian vampire flicks, and Jess Franco; famous for just about every type of sleaze going - but despite these two's sleazy roots, they've been unable to come up with anything half way decent here. A Virgin Among the Living Dead has a good base plot line; it's simple, but provides a good doorway into more interesting areas, as we follow a young girl who returns home, only to find that her family are the living dead! The potential for showing loss of innocence etc with this is good, but for some reason, directors Franco and Rollin are more keen to show as much skin as possible, which is mostly done in really boring sequences and the movie soon gets old. The film was obviously shot on a low budget, and it does look very cheap throughout; although the countryside setting is rather good, and one of the film's best elements. Franco's favourite Howard Vernon appears in the film alongside a cast of unknowns, and there's also a cameo appearance for Jess Franco himself. The ending is highly typical and fits the rest of the film in that it's not particularly interesting, and unfortunately; I cannot recommend this film.

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