911: The Road to Tyranny
911: The Road to Tyranny
| 01 January 2002 (USA)
911: The Road to Tyranny Trailers

9/11: They knew. They not only let it happen, they MADE it happen!


"Any people that would give up liberty for a little temporary safety deserves neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin. And we won't have either in the end. Watch your government people. They're watching you.History always repeats itself. So why are we, the American public, so collectively ignorant of history. Oh, I forgot. Brittany had a baby. Yeah that's way more important.Maybe, If we can't even bring ourselves to defend our own liberties or at the very least realize they are being stripped from us, we deserve to live in a police state.

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This is an excellent documentary, but his "Martial Law: Rise of the Police State" is much better. It has the benefit of being made a couple of years after this one.Alex is a true patriot, and we need more people like him. The elite is using fear to further their objectives, but Alex is the one that has them afraid. They are afraid that people are waking up to the truth. Just ask Jim Tucker and Daniel Estulin who infiltrated the Bilderberg meeting this year. The elite is very concerned about the effects the true patriots like Alex are having.This video goes a lot into the history of elite sponsored terror, such as the OKC bombing and WACO. Alex is trying to expose government corruption, and for that he should be commended.

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Mac Maniac

and although Alex is not as smooth and as cultured as some of the mainstream media's talking heads, he is speaking from his heart, something you just won't see on the evening news. At times he gets angry about the news he's telling, but that is understandable, considering the content of the news he's reporting. This is an excellent film, well-documented, revealing, alarming at times, and perhaps unbelievable at others. But do the research! I did not believe everything that this movie contains, and I still don't; but everything I have taken the time to research and attempt to disprove has turned out to be valid and documented just as is claimed.For those who came to cat-call this film, the fact that the best you can muster is some name- calling and little substance except to invoke the mainstream view says much about the validity of your objections! :)Everyone should see this film!

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Most pundits are now claiming that Michael Moore's film lacks something, that it doesn't address many key issues. "Where's the beef" is the comment bandied around in the press. Want beef? Want facts? See this film and gain an understanding of the large forces, mostly economic, some philosophical that seek to dominate the world.Learn why our Constitutional freedoms are considered an obstacle to control by the "globalist" One World Order cadre of wealthy military, banking and industrial elite. Learn why our media is manipulated and why the entire world must be fed a daily diet of fear in order that we willingly give up our rights. Learn why submission to a "new world order" totalitarian world government is essential to their vision of creating a "plantation" for themselves with just enough serfs to administer the hard labor and day to day management of mundane services. Learn why terror plots are first funded and created by the elite in order to "manufacture" a common enemy and thereby "manufacture consent".See the facts, AS REPORTED and ADMITTED to by mainstream media and then see the analysis of these fact, many of which the media hopes will be ignored.If you understand that most do not spend an inordinate amount of time "connecting the dots" in the stream of information that passes before our jaded consciousness, then you will be glad that Alex Jones DOES exactly that.A must see for anyone who has wondered about the false doctrines and false choices we have before us, and for those who wonder if our best interests are being looked after, or undermined.JeffH Ch.S.

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