7 Nights Of Darkness
7 Nights Of Darkness
R | 08 November 2011 (USA)
7 Nights Of Darkness Trailers

In 2010 six reality television show contestants spent seven nights in an abandoned and haunted asylum. The show never aired but an editor for the network was able to piece together some footage. The prize for staying all seven nights was a share of one million dollars that was to be split amongst any contestants that didn't leave. No prize money was ever awarded.

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I enjoy this film far more than I should. There's decent character development. A few jump scares and an adequate amount of tension. The characters are pretty well rounded and their motivations for being there are clear (with the exception of Brooke.) Carter (although portrayed by the writer and director) is horribly annoying and a character I was hoping would meet an early demise. John was a smarmy suburbanite and he played it well. Lena was annoying and silly, but fortunately, not there long enough to be as bad as Carter. Randy was also irritating, but the character was supposed to be and it worked. Nick was extremely vanilla and "just there." Brooke, who is extremely attractive could grate my nerves at times. I also was frustrated with never knowing why she needed to stay, even after terrible things were happening. My biggest problem with the film was the idea that a network would green light this show and just toss these people in with no real direction. Most reality competition shows have a host and others involved to make certain things go according to plan. The lack of that hurts the credibility of the film. Also there being no way to communicate was silly. Forgetting ghosts, this is an old building and someone could have been injured, but no way to contact help? That makes no sense. Also, for an abandoned building, the kitchen was well stocked. Why? Another problem was that virtually all of their tasks were to explore or to have séances, nothing very original. It won't win any awards, but it's a fun little film that should be watched on a rainy Friday night.

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Amber Cornell (ambercornell619)

I'm not sure if this will actually have spoilers but I hit the button just in case. This movie takes a minute to get going but once it does it's quite creepy. There is some over acting and there are some holes in the story line (like why no one seemed very concerned when the other cast members came up missing or what happened to them) but all in all it is a good horror flick.There are a ton of found footage films popping up everywhere and a lot of them leave something to be desired (to say the least). This one definitely could have had some improvements, but as far as the found footage genre it's one of the better ones I've seen. The plot is not really unique, it's been done before, but the actors and effects compliment each other enough to make this movie a surprisingly eerie and creepy film. I was not expecting to get as creeped out as I did. It is definitely worth a watch if you're looking for something to give you the chills. I was pleasantly surprised by this movie and I think it was more successful than disappointing. I'd recommend it for horror buffs, especially fans of the found footage genre.

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After the success of "The Blair Witch Story," Hollywood seemed to become inundated with numerous shaky pseudo-documentary movies with "real" characters experiencing paranormal activities. "Paranormal Activity" was one of the better ones, and "7 Nights Of Darkness" is actually a hidden gem in the collection. The movie features six contestants of a hidden camera series who have to stay the night in the abandoned Madison Seminary (which is also named Ohio College Building right out front). The setting is actually a real haunted location once featured in the series, "My Ghost Story." There's no long tedious set-up or back-story about the location, in fact, the location is quite scary on its own. The plot involves the contestants staying one week in the location to win a million dollars, but over time, odd occurrences and their own imaginations start to prey on them and eventually it becomes kind of obvious that something very creepy is haunting the location. The movie is actually incredibly scary. The special effects are light, but after a while, the camera troubles and barrages of static and white noise start to get annoying. It's a very good movie to watch despite the fact it doesn't waste a lot of money on special effects.

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While this movie is not original in its concept or story it still provides many decent scares. I see a lot of people criticizing the acting but I thought these people did a great job of playing everyday people who sign up for a reality show. Maybe I have not seen a lot of reality shows but it does not seem to me that you have to be a Shakespearean thespian to get on one. So the actors do a great job coming off as real people to me.This film really does not bring anything fresh to the idea of shaky cam/ insane asylum horror stories. Many things in the movie I have seen before. However, even though many of the scares are not fresh and are predictable, the ways in which the cast and crew pull these moments off is more then satisfactory. There are many goose bump creating scares. I have seen a lot of horror movies and grew up on horror movies. And while I am not scared after the movie I was very creeped out during the movie. If you watch this movie expecting it to be game changing and a brand new concept then you are going to be disappointed. If you are expecting this to be a movie which is non stop horror and quick pacing then you will be disappointed. This is a slow build movie that does a great job raising the fear level before leading to a memorable climax.I gave this movie a 10 because I watched it with the intent of being scared and creeped out. And it did that successfully. Maybe it is just me but it seems horror movies now of days do not rely on scares anymore as much as they do gore. I would recommend this movie to anyone that wanted to see a movie that was actually creepy and who appreciates a good scare.

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